Monday, April 3, 2017

TKC Fact Check Tragedy: Nobody Cares About Kansas City WWI Liberty Memorial History

One of my favorite things about Kansas City is that a legacy of old world failures and a huge anti-war monument overshadows all of Downtown. The so-called "war to end wars" remains one of the greatest disappointments in the history of Western Civilization and there are already plans to build more upbeat tributes in Washington D.C. . . . Meanwhile, Kansas City's monument to death, broken promises, disgusting politics and the legacy of the rich, royalty and the establishment exposing their ineptitude stands in the middle of the nation a century later. Mostly ignored.

Nation's eyes turn to KC for WWI Centennial Commemoration

The National World War I Museum and Memorial will play host to the National Centennial Commemoration of the U.S. entry in WWI on Thursday morning.The national ceremony, In Sacrifice for Liberty and Peace: Centennial Commemoration of the U.S.

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