Here's a glimpse of our Kansas City morning accompanied by an iconic contextual image featuring Jenny McCarthy before she went of the deep end and Kelly Clarkson in her far less "curvy" days . . .
Hampton Already Has The Kansas City Weekend Planned
The Weekend Starts Today
Saturday is April Fool's Day, meaning your social media feed will be filled with all sorts of ridiculous lies. Don't believe any of them. Do believe, however, that there's a ton of fun stuff to do around town this weekend. Unless, that is, you like sports.
Kansas City Tech Time Again
Kansas City Tech Startups See Promise As Funders Look To The 'Rise Of The Rest'
Mike Farmer's high-tech startup, Leap.It, caught the attention of AOL founder Steve Case in October 2014 because Farmer's company was built in the first house hooked up with Google Fiber. Case loved the irony of the David of Kansas City taking on the Goliath of Google.
Dead Tree Media Against Weed
Editorial: Marijuana proposal a bad solution to a nonproblem
Kansas City voters will be asked Tuesday to reduce the penalties for minor marijuana possession in the city. The proposal - Question 5 on the ballot - is fraught with potential complications and unintended consequences. Voters should reject it. The plan came to the ballot through an initiative petition.
Fear The Great Kansas City Eat Out
World Series of BBQ to be held at Kansas Speedway, include public festival
KANSAS CITY, Kan. - The American Royal announced Wednesday afternoon this year's World Series of Barbecue competition will be held at Kansas Speedway for the second year in a row. President of American Royal, Lynn Parman says the this is the first time the competition will be held on Labor Day Weekend, August 31- September 3, 2017.
Blue-Eyed Cowtown Hip-Hop
KCUR's Band Of The Week: Second Hand King
Working as Second Hand King, the locally based Joe Stanziola is a self-described "doo-wop rap" artist. He wears his heart on his sleeve, combining contemporary hip-hop with elements of vintage popular music including doo-wop and rat pack-era saloon singing (Hannah Copeland reviewed his album Before the Bomb Drops for KCUR in 2015).
Song of the day for #TBT: ERUPTION - I Can't Stand The Rain (1978) and this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .
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