Sunday, March 5, 2017

Kansas City Star Clip Art Journalism Confuses Commercial Airliner With Small Plane

The story of a temporarily missing pilot played out over the weekend . . . But more interesting than the missed signal was our blog community taking note of the local newspaper aiming low.

Special thanks to aviation experts from our blog community . . . Checkit:

"Star features an article about a private pilot who cracked up his plane trying to land on a rural road. I don't know which is more embarrassing, the fact that the Star ran clip-art of a 4-engine commercial jet above a caption that said "small plane" or that in the time it took to find "airplane clip art" they could have found a picture of the type of plane, mentioned in the article, online."

"The Star must really like this old 707 graphic . . . Granted, Twitter just picks up the image from the news story, thus the added import to doing just a spec of work."

You decide . . .

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