Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Just a few weeks ago an ice storm was supposed to destroy Kansas City. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and weather newsies were decimated by public outcry and the cruel giggling of our blog community.

In the aftermath, it seems like SOME of these folks have learned an important lesson in the era of social media bullying . . .

And so . . . Check and important and reasonable bit of blogging from Fox4 Weather Dude Joe Lauria . . .

Joe’s Weather Blog: Revisiting the overuse of severe thunderstorm warnings (WED-2/15)

Money line . . .

"As I’ve talked about…my feeling is that the public…my customers…don’t pay attention to the vast majority of severe thunderstorm warnings. This is NOT a criticism of the issuing of the warnings from the NWS…they have a mandate to follow…but this is more of an issue with the criteria and the end results of what typically happens after the storms move through . . . My thought is IF we don’t issue so many…when one is issued would our viewers and your customers pay more attention to what’s happening. Are they fatigued by the sheer volume of warnings."

Read the whole thing for some great data and weather nerd charts.

As man-made global warming Winter tornado season approaches . . . Newsies of all caliber playing chicken little is important to consider now that divisive politics and a reality TV show President have thankfully destroyed the "appeal to authority" rhetorical tactic and created a healthy but uncomfortable doubt for discerning media consumers when considering any public pronouncement.

You decide . . .

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