Thursday, February 16, 2017


More immigration drama this afternoon . . . Take a look:

Congressman Cleaver and CHC Members Kicked Out of Meeting with ICE

Members were told to leave because the meeting had to be “bipartisan”

This afternoon, Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II along with Members from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus were ejected from a scheduled meeting with Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Thomas Homan. The purpose of the meeting was to gather information from ICE regarding the recent reports of raids and arrests of undocumented immigrants across the country.

“It is very unusual for a federal agency to refuse to share information when that is the purpose of their visit to Capitol Hill. In my 14 years in Congress, I have never seen this happen. Even a 25 year Member and leader on the issue of immigration, Congressman Luis Gutierrez, was not allowed to stay. The information obtained from this meeting could have been vitally important to the people of my district,” said Congressman Cleaver.

CHC members called for a meeting with ICE last week in a letter, which can be read here, addressed to Mr. Horman. The purpose of that meeting was to have an open and candid discussion regarding changes ICE has made. ICE officials canceled that meeting, then scheduled a second meeting with a select few Members of Congress. There was no indication that House Democrats or the CHC would be denied access.

“This is not Washington, this is the new Washington,” said Congressman Cleaver. “But that will not prevent me from doing my job and getting answers for the American people.”

Developing . . . 

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