Thursday, February 16, 2017


Appropriate for TBT and because it's one of the best Internets series available right now . . . Our pal Craig brings us up to date on a historic controversy and a milestone in dysfunctional American race relations.


The Juice May Be On The Loose. OJ Simpson's Parole

O.J. Simpson will be up for parole this July. Simpson has spent 8 years in state prison, Loveland, Nevada for 12 counts of robbery, assault, kidnapping and more related to his forceful taking back of memorabilia at gunpoint at a Las Vegas hotel. All the others involved had either no jail time or short sentences. Nevada is clearly punishing Simpson for the double murders they believe he did in Los Angeles back in June of 1994. Simpson was found not guilty of killing both his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman at Nicole's Brentwood condo.

Simpson will score very well on the parole boards scoring points system to be released. The scoring is based on his prison behavior, past employment, low risk, and several other issues he has done well with to this point. Simpson needs to score under a 5, right now it looks like he will score 0-2 points making him a strong candidate for release in October this coming fall.

Clearly most believe Simpson committed the murders and got off due to racist feelings towards the L.A. Police Department and his celebrity. The jury was made up of mostly of minority jurors. Simpson's defense team destroyed Marsha Clark and her team in court. Though the evidence was massive against O.J. the jury let him go free. It caused a national uproar from all sides. There have been several documentaries on the case, which show all sides. However in the end all of them conclude he did it.

O.J. was considered one of the all-time best running backs in the NFL. Simpson played 11 seasons, rushed for more than 11,000 yards, had 61 touchdowns and many other rushing records. Simpson was a 5 time all-pro and is in the NFL Hall of Fame.

There is little doubt O.J. is guilty of murder. The question here is should he pay for that crime on what in reality was not a case he would normally have received 33 years for in Nevada. O.J. will need a vote of 4 out of 7 board members to go free this fall. He does qualify and there is a good chance he will be released soon. Simpson is 69 years old, if he is turned down he may stay in prison til 2022 at which time he will be 75.

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