Friday, December 2, 2016


'Tis the season of swanky political gatherings and good times for politicos and Kansas City denizens with connections to the winners of recent elections.

To wit . . .

Here's an important aftermath of a holiday party we reported previously and reax from critics who are upset over the message it sends during our season of discontent . . .

Exec Frank White's Over The Top Party

The County's ethics laws, rightly might I add, regulate courthouse workers from taking any "gift" from anyone outside their family valued at over $50. This week's party thrown for Jackson County Executive Frank White at the exclusive Intercontinental Hotel came in at a price tag of well over $25,000 for gifts, wine, food and other perks that Frank now thinks he is somehow owed with his new-found political position. All of this was paid for with OPM (Other People's Money) and blatantly and purposefully done OUTSIDE the normal political contribution requirements at the County which requires disclosure, at a minimum, who, what and how much is being given. What this means is that Frank has now taken tens of thousands of dollars in gifts from private corporations and individuals, and he doesn't feel the need to follow any rules by disclosing who the very generous benefactors are or what those gifts include. Needless to say, this kind of conduct and hubris is exactly what ethics laws are designed to prevent and report. It may have been a swell party, but this is a dark alley Frank is going down. 

Some relevant county ordinances follow that clearly make this suspect:

902.33. Personal benefit means any benefit which is offered or received, or perceived to be offered or received....provided, however, that the term "personal benefit" within the meaning of this chapter does not include any of the following, which, although they may benefit individual public servants, are deemed to be primarily public benefits rather than personal benefits:

(13) any unsolicited benefit conferred by any one person or business if the economic value totals less than $ 50 per calendar year, and if there is no express or implied understanding or agreement that an official action or decision of a public servant will be influenced; or

(16) anything of value, if the payment, gift, or other transfer of value is unrelated to and does not arise from the recipient's holding or having held a public position, and if the activity or occasion for which it is given does not involve the use of the County's time, equipment, facilities, supplies, staff or other resources in any manner or degree which is not available to the general public ...


Fact check . . . The codes cited here are from the Jackson County Charter and they apply to employees whereas local elected officials and are governed by the Missouri Ethics Commission. Like it or not, it's a fact that County Officials and employees play by DIFFERENT RULES for better and worse.

However, in this passage from TKC TIPSTERS there's a very real concern about the message the party sends. These kind of swanky events are standard for the holiday season and snagging an invite is a great way to stay well fed during the holidays.The InterContinental has taken quite a bit of heat this year for a CID tax break from KCMO City Council and this swanky event . . . Even though it hosted quite a few community leaders and probably more than a few po'folk . . . Isn't helping improve their image amid growing taxpayer and employee discontent.

You decide .  . .

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