Sunday, November 27, 2016


Whilst Prez-Elect Trump has been engaged in a Twitter tirade . . . TKC Blog Community member SUPER DAVE offers his more even-handed analysis an insight into the recount process and electoral college debate. Take a look:

Super Dave: Yes The Electoral College Works

The 2016 presidential election is over, or is it? America is now entering into the Christmas holiday season and in years past when a presidential election was held the least talked about issues were those complaining and protesting because their choice of candidate lost. The Electoral College was designed for a reason and this election proved without a doubt why it was created and why it is a very important part of the presidential elections in our country. One has to only go back and look at how the country voted to understand how the electoral process works. If a person is unable to study how the electoral vote works I rather questioned their ability to even be able to consciously pick a candidate based on that candidate’s ability to be a leader. The groups that we are seeing doing most of the protesting are the same groups that probably promote the everybody is a winner outlook on life. We can’t all be winners, I know, I’ve not been a winner “all my life”, I’ve never expected to be a winner all my life. If you look at each states demographics on how they voted it’s very easy to see the areas that Hillary exceeded in votes are the areas with the larger number of government supported families and heavily populated areas that as a rule contain our largest cities. Also included in those areas as a general rule is a large university or several universities filled with students looking for free handouts to get their education something the Democrats feel is needed.

You take the total number of voters in California, who voted this year, that tally comes to over 13 million voters. California is our third-largest state; second-largest state is Texas where 8.9 million people voted. If you take the states of Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and add the state of Texas to the total of those who voted, you then have enough people that voted to exceed those of California by app 1.8 million voters. So it took six states here in the Midwest to have more voters than the state of California alone. Of the six states listed here Hillary was defeated by over 2 million votes. This is why there is a need for the Electoral College, and why the results of the Electoral College should stand as they are right now. The populations of a few dense areas of population should not dictate policy or political choice over the country as a whole. The Electoral College is a significant tool in balancing overall decision-making on candidates in our country. What I find interesting about this protesting is take Kansas City for instance, a streetcar was built based on the view and votes of a given few, the city as a whole was not allowed to have a say at on the whole process but are being dependent upon to pay for it. An electoral based election in Kansas City would not have let the streetcar be built. So in short see how this works?

Hillary conceded the presidential race in the early hours the day after the election. She knew she had lost, she also knew she was leading in the popular vote as well but only in certain demographics. Her whole campaign knew she lost, that’s why she conceded as every other presidential candidate who has lost as ended up doing. But for some reason the give me’s, the we are not supposed to lose people, can’t accept that the whole of America does not agree with them. The nation is divided right now and it’s not by race and it’s not by racism, it’s divided by those who are thumbing their nose at all the hard-working people who sweated and toiled building this country. Jill Stein is another person who I agree with some other political analysis in saying she’s using this recount as a fundraiser for her party. If that’s what she wants to do I’m fine with that. But she’s not ordering a recount to benefit her, she’s ordered a recount in hopes of benefiting Hillary’s supporters. And in any recount motion that is filed I feel that the whole of America is deserving of a list, of all the donors to be made public that supported this recount.

The behind-the- scenes of political dueling, of political bargaining and under the table payoffs needs to all start being made public to the citizens of this country. No longer should the citizens of this country have to tolerate devious political actions, devious elections, along with mass media hysterics, lies and attempts to control our country. The owners of the Washington Post, CNN and all the others; who on a daily basis attempt to brainwash and persuade the citizens of our country, to follow their political hacks, should all start being held accountable for their actions and thoughts. If mass media wants to be able to shove down our throats anything they feel is acceptable, they should also allow comments to be made on their publications by the citizens of this country in a form of free speech that is open to all. As Chuck would say, “What’s good for the goose, is good for the goose-stepping gander.”

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