Friday, November 25, 2016


For tonight,we're reporting a bit of news chatter wherein mainstream media has once again failed to make any connection to former local political leaders.

We're running this as a blind item because WE'VE LEARNED to be careful and not to put ourselves out there in service of news that most people are gonna just gloss over anyhoo . . . HOWEVER, the tidbit is noteworthy if only to offer glimpse at tougher times for organized labor and as a shout out to all of the old timer KC insiders who read the blog and can can make the connection without having it spelled out for them.

Here's the word . . .

Local news feeds recently reported a Kansas City local dude charged with illicit images on his computer after a repair dude discovered a weird file name, found disgusting pictures and reported it to authorities. Turns out this same dude was a formerly disgraced Kansas City union leader from the 90s who kinda fell out of the political game after a connection to a nasty racketeering verdict.

And so . . .

Here's why this is important beyond our blind item tidbit sent our way by KICK-ASS TKC TIPSTERS: Given upcoming Missouri efforts to push through paycheck protection and right to work initiatives that threaten to break unions throughout Missouri . . . The glory days of union power brokers are now in the distant past and organized labor confronts a future wherein campaign coffers have been decimated. Accordingly, the political influence of these former tough guys will also take a another huge hit IF the GOP keeps its promise to cut the legs out from under labor.

Leading up to this drama we've all noticed that unions have abandoned most of their minority and immigrant rights affiliations in Kansas City has now spend most of their political lobbying efforts trying to play nice with Missouri Republicans in a desperate fight for survival.

As soon as next session, Missouri and Kansas City more than any other city in the state is under the threat of extreme push back by a Missouri Senate, House and full slate of statewide officials now TOTALLY controlled by Republicans who have historically opposed unions.

Developing . . .

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