Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Hanna Beth is a professional hottie model and her infamous tattoo is a good place to start this consideration of metro-area push back against a silent protest meme that might be more of a fashion statement than call to action according to this friend of the blog.


Super Dave: Safety Pins

It appears the Shawnee Mission School District feels that teachers shouldn’t be allowed to wear safety pins to make a statement that so far hasn’t really been determined as to what it means. I saw a list today on a news story and a few other places that supported about 25 some different reasons to wear a safety pin as a show of support. But I question how many people are going to start wearing a safety pin just because it appears to be the chic thing to do. It’s no longer turning into a political statement or a support statement I don’t believe, but worn more as being one of the cool people type statement because Patrick Stewart decided it was a cool thing to do.

As I read the list that is currently going around, wearing a safety spin deems you is a safe person to be around and that you will protect those that you feel are subject to harassment or any other ill means. But in proclaiming this statement how far are you willing to step out to protect these people if they come running up to you, wanting to hide behind you for protection while six guys the size of NFL linebackers are quickly approaching. I then ask just what are you going to do? Are you going to hold up your safety pin and says this protects us from people like you? Once again I think we’re being hit with a fad that the mass media has turned into a situation where they will be able to reap lots of coverage and incidents from this so-called movement.

I notice a lot of the comments proclaiming to be against the Shawnee Mission School District decision are saying that the banning of the teachers being allowed to wear pins is against freedom of speech. Isn’t it amazing when your cause faces objections the first thing that everybody starts screaming is freedom of speech. All the protesters on the streets are claiming freedom of speech while they obstruct the freedom sometimes of just the everyday people who want nothing to do with their cause. There are those that feel flying the Confederate flag is as well a freedom protected under free speech. African-Americans feel they have the right to use the N word under freedom of speech but white people or any other race are not allowed to use the N word under the freedom of speech it then becomes a racist statement.

Freedom of speech means just exactly what the three words say; the freedom to say what is on your mind. I’m sorry but I as well as some other people I know don’t construe an object or an action as freedom of speech. But there are certain laws around that say you don’t have the freedom to say what’s on your mind. Mass media organizations everywhere will censor what’s on your mind. People start blogs to speak their freedom of speech but don’t you dare attempt to post your freedom of speech on their site. Even civil rights proclaiming attorneys in this town will censor your right to free speech all one has to do is go read their blogs to see that or have posted a negative response to their so-called freedom of speech post.

If you feel the need to protect everything and all from all of the evil in the world I would suggest that you would better make use of your time by coming involved in law enforcement or joining up with an active group that actually does something for people’s rights other than dancing around in front of the TV cameras holding up signs. I’m not positive, I think Winston Churchill once said something like, anyone can be an activist but a real activist is the one who works hard to make changes. Placing a safety pin upon your chest to me makes no real statement, to me it only signifies you saw something on the news or internet and thought it was a cool thing to do and so you do it. I am also willing to bet 95% of those who really are wearing them safety pins would not in any way shape or form open up their homes, their lives, or continuously their pocketbook and billfold, to support the so-called true meaning of the safety pin as some would like you to think it’s all about. I see it simply as a form of slacktivism.

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