Saturday, November 26, 2016

Golden Ghetto Recount Fun Fact: Hillary Clinton Stays Losing Johnson County!!!

Let's take a look at "data driven reporting" that doesn't really matter in a profoundly Red State. Additionally, don't forget that this "trend" noting an uptick in Hillary votes didn't translate to any of the other down ballot elections where the Democrats were still OVERWHELMINGLY rejected. Jay Sidie didn't even come close despite millions of Democratic Party dollars and an endorsement from Prez Obama.

Still, here's not so important "journalism" inspired by our favorite KCMO alt-publication that mostly takes their cues from blogs nowadays: "Johnson County's education level is similar to that of San Francisco and counties with large college towns. Accordingly, it made the list of counties with a Clinton surge. Clinton lost to Trump by 2.7 percentage points, a big improvement over Obama, who four years ago was routed in Johnson County by 17.4 percentage points."

Read more: Why did Hillary Clinton do relatively well in Johnson County? College diplomas

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