Thursday, November 24, 2016

Celebrate!!! Kansas City Plaza Lights Shine On Trump Country As Mayor Sly James Wishes For Peace Amid Murder Spike 2016!!!

Final note for tonight unless there's yet another homicide inspired by a photo sent from a high class prostitute working a "client" who forced her to do some awful things in unison with the Plaza Lighting Ceremony . . .

More to the point . . .

This evening, suburbanite interlopers light up the County Club Plaza that's otherwise unsafe and has been the constant source of muggings, shooting and violent teen flash mobs which have destroyed the value of the place and took a few hundred million off of the billion dollar asking price for the district upon its sale.

Apropos to this tragic fact of life.

In another display of leadership via social media. Here's a bit of holiday celebration from the Mayor.

And then, here's just a quick word about local violence despite overall silence from his administration on this topic and no real legislative move to do anything about THE WORST MURDER COUNT IN KANSAS CITY HISTORY SO FAR THIS CENTURY.

As usual, there's plenty of blame to go around along with a hope that a new politico will change the downward spiral of Kansas City in the aftermath of this season of discontent.

That's probably it for now as we take a pause and maybe warm up this gas station microwave turkey sammich. Hopefully more for the morning update . . . STAY TUNED!!!

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