Thursday, April 6, 2017

Report: Kylr Yust Connected To Both Jessica Runions And Kara Kopetsky Investigations

Kylr Yust is accused of setting fire to Jessica Runions car and KSHB reports that "In one police report, a witness claims to have seen Yust's truck near where the remains were found the same day Kara disappeared in 2007. Those reports also say Yust and Kara were dating at the time."

Read more:

Police reports show connections between Kylr Yust and 2 missing women

CASS COUNTY, Mo. - Earlier this week, two sets of human remains were found in rural Cass County. Investigators continue to search the area for more evidence. "It's mind baffling. It's boggling to think, it kind of just blows us away," said Joe Monteil, who lives not far from where the remains were found.

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